Download Documents

Daily Sales Report

This document lists all the laboratory’s POS sales from a given start and end date. Additional fields can be filled to filter specific items in the document.

NOTE: Do you wish to see a filter/field that could be useful for your laboratory? Feel free to reach out to your RM’s and request it!

  1. Go to Stores

  2. Select the Store

  3. Go to Store Orders

  4. Download Orders

  5. Enter all the necessary information for each field in order to customize the content that will be placed onto the document. You may leave the Optional Fields blank.

  6. Click on the Generate button.

Statement of Account

This document lists all the order items paid in the laboratory’s POS by a customer from a given start and end date. The customer could either be a client or a company. Additional fields can be filled to filter specific items in the document.

NOTE: Do you wish to see a filter/field that could be useful for your laboratory? Feel free to reach out to your RM’s and request it!

  1. Go to Store Ledger

  2. Select the Corporate Client

  3. Go to Store Ledger Transactions

  4. Download Ledger

  5. Enter all the necessary information for each field in order to customize the content that will be placed onto the document. You may leave the Optional Fields blank.

  6. Click on the Generate button.

Store orders

Terminal store orders displays the information of orders.

Download the sales report/ orders

It will allow the user to generate a sales report/ orders from the specific terminal.

  • Input date

  • Download file type

View the order

It allows the user to view the specific order and generate their documents such as order receipt, BIR receipt, compact receipt and print barcode.

  • Choose specific order

  • Click the expand button

Generating Order Receipt and BIR Receipt

Generating Compact Receipt

Every patient will be displayed on Document side, you are also able to generate compact receipt for each patient

BIR X readings

BIR Z readings

BIR Sales summary report

Last updated