Store Ledgers

What are Store Ledgers?

Store Ledgers can monitor the transactions that is made with your corporate clients and cash box including bank transfer and e-wallet transactions

Where to find and how to create Store Ledgers?

The store ledgers is located in the sidebar and create store ledger

How to add payment types

  1. Cashbook

For cash transactions. Used for track cash balances in a cashier's cash box. It also can be used to track e-wallet or bank transfer transactions such as GCash.

How to add for billing

  1. Debt

For transactions between your laboratory and a corporate client. Transactions deduct from the ledger. Used to track how much a corporate client owes you.

Debit and Credit transactions can be made manually, Credit will add the balance of the corporate client to you while Debit will deduct the balance of the corporate client.

How to search and filter Store Ledgers?

The store ledgers can be search in the search bar and filtered per branch by clicking on the cone icon beside the create button

  • There is also an option to add file/image for proof of transaction

  • All manual and POS transactions will be saved in store ledger transactions

Last updated