Laboratory Product

This is where you input the available tests and how much they cost before you make them available to the patients.

Create Laboratory Product

Input the details of the services that the laboratory offers.

The following information are to be provided:

  • Name

  • Price

  • Laboratory Service

  • Source Category

  • Patient Service Tag

  • Client

  • Coupon Setting

  • Laboratory Product Image

  • Custom message on email

  • Display item in shop


Input the name of the test that you want to appear on the shop page.


Input how much the test would cost.

Laboratory Service

Choose from the available laboratory services that the test falls under.

Source Category

Choose from the drop-down box whether the patients that could book the test would be either of the following:







Patient Service Tag

Choose among the following options as to which priority the patient test falls under:

  • Routine

  • Stat

  • Ultrastat

  • Hyperstat


If the laboratory product is only available for a certain group of clients, administrators can specify them in this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.


If the lab has existing Coupons that they accept from the patients, they may choose from the drop-down box:




Product Image

Upload a Product Image that would be reflected on the shop’s item page. Images will be shown in a landscape view on the shop’s page and it is advisable to use a landscape image.

Custom Message on Email Encode a Custom Message on Email that the patients would receive when they finalized their booking and payment for the chosen test.

Display item in shop

Tick the box for the product to reflect on the shop’s product listing and be available to the patients for booking.

Submit Once all the information is complete, click “SUBMIT” for the laboratory product to appear in the list of laboratory products available in your laboratory.

Create appointment rules

After the laboratory product has been created, the laboratory administrator will be redirected to a page to set the Appointment Rules with the following information:

  • Timezone

  • Repeats on

  • Daily Schedule

  • Interval

  • Capacity

  • Additional Appointment Setting

  • Lead Minutes


Choose which time zone will appear on the appointment setter menu that would be available to the patients.

Repeats on

Select the available days that the laboratory product is available for booking.

Daily schedule

Set the available hours on which the test could be administered to the patients. This will also be the hours reflected on the appointment setting page.

Interval Set the Interval or the number of minutes between each opened slot.

Capacity Set Capacity opened for each interval. This is the number of people that are allowed to book the test within a given slot.

Enable same-day appointment

If the laboratory would accept same-day appointments, click on the box. Otherwise, leave it blank.

If the laboratory allows for same-day appointments, they need to input the lead time as well or how many minutes before the appointment the patients may book within the day.

Copy from template

If the laboratory has the same appointment rules for all their available laboratory tests, click “COPY FROM TEMPLATE” option.

Copy Product URL The Product URL is the specific link to the product.

Shop Settings

Input the reminders and directions that the patients would have to follow for their appointment. This will show up on the product’s page when patients book the service via the online shop.

Latitude and Longitude

Set the Latitude and Longitude or the exact coordinates of the laboratory to serve as a guide to the patients when they schedule to visit the laboratory. This will be reflected on the shop item’s page as a Google maps link for the patients to have an idea how to get to the site.

Shop email and phone number

Encode the contact details of the laboratory that shows up on the product page once the laboratory product is available on the shop’s page.

Laboratory administrators may choose to show or hide the following on the product’s page:

  • Require patients to put a delivery address when ordering online

  • Require patients to add a modifier / add-on

  • Require patients to set an appointment date

  • Require patients to provide quarantine details

Once all the needed information is encoded, click “Update” for the changes to reflect on the products page.

Laboratory administrators may delete a laboratory product in case there are duplicates or when they no longer provide such products in their laboratories.

This section shows all the available products/services that the laboratory offers.

Last updated